Sunday, October 17, 2010

We are having a baby!

I always said I would start a blog once we had a baby. Thought I would start it now. I will be 28/ weeks pregnant on Monday, January 17th . I will take you back to the beginning when we first found out. I told Sterling we were having a baby and he reacted with the following. See video below. The only reason I videoed it was because I knew Sterling would give me a funny reaction like this one. We sat on the pregnancy for about 10 weeks before we told our families. It was pretty easy since I was feeling like a million bucks. The million bucks has turned more into $900,000 at this point. We are excited about the journey as it comes to a close. There is a lot to do, but hopefully we will be ready for Little Radar before he/she gets here. This was Sterling's choice for a name prior to our marriage. Bennigan Radar. We are calling the baby Radar for fun, but it will not be the real name. or Baby Smith if you are freaked out about Radar!


  1. I LOVE the video! Priceless!!! So excited to meet baby smith and so excited about this blog!!

  2. I like the name Bennigan Radar even better than Seven Costanza, mostly because it gave me an idea for one I like even better: Montgomery Christo. You could call him Monty. Mmmm, Monty Christo... *drooling sounds*

  3. y'all r so funny! love this video ;))
