Saturday, December 23, 2017

Month 24

Aaron was famous yesterday. His picture of duckface when he was 11 months was the cover of the etsy facebook page. He received 7,000 likes and over 1,000 shares.

We just went and spent 5 days in Houston. He had such a blast with the cousins. He sounded like the lady from Austin Powers as he would call the cousins from across the house, Abby, Abbydale, Unter, Ahye.

You are starting to count! You have two eggs in your hand and you say, two ehhs. (eggs)

You still love listening to and dancing with Raffi.

You are really funny trying to hop on one foot. You often look like you are trying the arobesque in ballet.

You love opening the garage doors and you get a huge grin on your face when we let you leave your carseat in the driveway to sit in our lap when we pull in to open the garage. You use the phrase, "open nana's garage."

You call your grandpa's Pee Paw.

2 Year Check-Up
Weight- 30lbs 5oz (82%)
Length- 35in (63%)
Head-19 1/4in (72%)

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