-Lincoln is finally sitting up pretty well!
- The tooth is coming soon as he started to get a little fussy.
-We thought that Aaron's room might have bed bugs so mama was getting stressed. Aaron could sense that and walked up to mama and recited his memory verse! "I lift my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come from, my help comes from the Lord who created Heaven and Earth" Psalm 121: 1, 2
So touching!
-Lincoln is loving nodding his head up and down. He is also loving his solid foods. So far he has tried avocado, oatmeal, banana, pears, applesauce, peas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash.
-Today, 12/4/13, daddy called while mama was changing Lincoln's diaper in the room. Aaron answered the phone all by himself. Daddy asked him a few questions, "how are you?" "what are you doing" and Aaron answered them all correctly. Then he decided he was all done with the phone call, said, "good bye" and closed the flip phone to hang up on daddy. Big boy!
-Mama loves singing songs to Lincoln, like Humpty Dumpty, Duke of York, Dormez Vous, and Lincoln Shepherd Smith.
-Aaron enjoys the song to the tune of Bingo but with his own name.
-Mama calls Lincoln buddy boy and pumpkin pie.
-Lincoln is taking up to 7.5 oz. bottles and taking it down.
-He is still waking up at 4am and 6am and mom does not have the heart to let him cry it out.
-Lincoln loves to be tickled under his arms. He makes big laughing sounds.
-Lincoln started to move his head back and forth like Stevie Wonder.
-Lincoln started making big sounds like ahhhhh, and haaaaah.
-Aaron told mama. Mama, your hair looks so pretty. It was so sweet!
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